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Leicester Classifieds - Buy and Sell
Buy and sell items in Leicester. Browse our free Leicester classified adverts and pick up a bargain. Our adverts are updated by individual sellers local to Leicester and are completely free. We have combined our ads with those from eBay so you'll be sure to find items nearest you.
Carpet Cleaning in Leicestershire
Professional carpet cleaning services in Leicestershire at Team Red Carpet offer a range of benefits beyond what traditional cleaning methods can achieve. Firstly, they employ advanced techniques and equipment to remove...
For Sale : £50
Settlement Agreement Solicitor Leicester
Settlement Agreement Solicitor provides advice on settlement agreements in Leicester and UK. Your Employer Pays! Same day service available. Same Day Service Your Company Pays The Bill 5 Star Recommended...
Wanted : Negotiable
Best Weight Loss Program
Looking to lose weight, tone up, have more energy or just want to be healthier, what ever your reason we can help you, we have been helping people get fantastic health results for 40yrs in over 90 countries, How would...
For Sale : £10
End Of Life Cars
What do you plan on doing with that useless car which is acquiring too much space in your garage for no good reason? Well, if you are interested in getting it scrapped but can't find a reliable scrapper firm, then you...
For Sale : Negotiable
Kids Books UK
A chief online retail store business based in Leicester, booming in the UK and worldwide: offering Books in different genres, read predominantly by Kids and Adults - since 2004. They showcase an extensive collection of...
For Sale : £3
Decorative Elegant Garden Fountains
We offer top of the line fountains from some of the most sought after Manufacturers in the outdoor decor industry.Often made from cast stone, fountains are perfect for adding a focal point to your landscape, patio, or...
For Sale : £420
Elegant Design Stylish Napkin Rings
We are the leading manufacturer and exporter of decorative Items and Handicraft. Duqaa.com you will find exclusive and high-quality Home Decor and accessories at wholesale prices . Selected art and design articles, gift...
For Sale : £4
Decorative Metal Watering Cans
Duqaa.com is India’s largest Home and Garden Store and deals in all products for all Home and Garden needs. Buy Indoor and Outdoor Plants, Watering Cans, Pots and Planters etc, and give a fresh vibe to your Home and...
For Sale : £8
Fashionable Flowervas Planters
Fashionable Flowervas Planters Used for Home and Table Top Decoration Delicate design and Superior quality Feature: Eco-Friendly Made of durable and Easy Assembly Different shape, size, colors are...
For Sale : £3
Black Metal With Plastic Coating Bird Feeder
Black Metal With Plastic Coating Bird Feeder An outdoor container for bird feed Used to attract wild birds. Round black shield for support,black round base bottom pallet with round design all over bird...
For Sale : £15