DVDs, Films & TV

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DVDs, Films & TV

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Looking for DVDs, Films & TV for sale near Leicester on eBay? Look no further - we have searched for items across eBay UK and the results are provided below...

eBay Listings nearest Leicester
Elvis Presley - In The Beginning - The Inside Story - DVD - UnsealedElvis Presley - In The Beginning - The Inside Story - DVD - Unsealed
The Man In The Iron Mask Collector's Limited Edition Video Box Set : REDUCEDThe Man In The Iron Mask Collector's Limited Edition Video Box Set : REDUCED
NEW Harry Potter Death Eater Collectible Goblet OFFICIAL LICENSED BOXED 19cm NEW Harry Potter Death Eater Collectible Goblet OFFICIAL LICENSED BOXED 19cm
NEW Harry Potter Golden Snitch Collectible Tankard OFFICIAL LICENSED BOXED 17cm NEW Harry Potter Golden Snitch Collectible Tankard OFFICIAL LICENSED BOXED 17cm
Lord of the Rings Aragorn Tankard Stein New Boxed Licensed Collectable 15cmLord of the Rings Aragorn Tankard Stein New Boxed Licensed Collectable 15cm
Lord of the Rings Aragorn Goblet 19cm New Boxed Licensed CollectableLord of the Rings Aragorn Goblet 19cm New Boxed Licensed Collectable
Lord of the Rings Sauron Tankard 15cm Licensed Collectable NEW BOXEDLord of the Rings Sauron Tankard 15cm Licensed Collectable NEW BOXED
NEW Hermione Harry Potter  Collectible Tankard OFFICIAL LICENSED BOXED 17cmNEW Hermione Harry Potter Collectible Tankard OFFICIAL LICENSED BOXED 17cm
Lord of the Rings Gondor Tankard Stein New Boxed Licensed Collectable 15cmLord of the Rings Gondor Tankard Stein New Boxed Licensed Collectable 15cm
NEW Harry Potter Golden Snitch Collectible Goblet OFFICIAL LICENSED BOXED 19cm NEW Harry Potter Golden Snitch Collectible Goblet OFFICIAL LICENSED BOXED 19cm
NEW Harry Potter Hogwarts Collectible Goblet OFFICIAL LICENSED BOXED 19cm NEW Harry Potter Hogwarts Collectible Goblet OFFICIAL LICENSED BOXED 19cm
NEW Harry Potter Hufflepuff Collectible Tankard OFFICIAL LICENSED BOXED 17cm NEW Harry Potter Hufflepuff Collectible Tankard OFFICIAL LICENSED BOXED 17cm
NEW Harry Potter Gryffindor Collectible Tankard OFFICIAL LICENSED BOXED 17cm NEW Harry Potter Gryffindor Collectible Tankard OFFICIAL LICENSED BOXED 17cm
NEW Harry Potter Death Eater Collectible Tankard OFFICIAL LICENSED BOXED 17cm NEW Harry Potter Death Eater Collectible Tankard OFFICIAL LICENSED BOXED 17cm
NEW Harry Potter Hogwarts Collectible Tankard OFFICIAL LICENSED BOXED 17cm NEW Harry Potter Hogwarts Collectible Tankard OFFICIAL LICENSED BOXED 17cm
Lord of the Rings Fellowship Tankard Stein New Boxed Licensed Collectable 15cmLord of the Rings Fellowship Tankard Stein New Boxed Licensed Collectable 15cm
Lord of the Rings Frodo Tankard Stein New Boxed Licensed Collectable 15cmLord of the Rings Frodo Tankard Stein New Boxed Licensed Collectable 15cm
Lord of the Rings Rohan  Goblet 19cm New Boxed Licensed CollectableLord of the Rings Rohan Goblet 19cm New Boxed Licensed Collectable
Lord of the Rings Rohan Tankard Stein 15cm New Boxed Licensed CollectableLord of the Rings Rohan Tankard Stein 15cm New Boxed Licensed Collectable
Gandalf the White Lord of the Rings Tankard Stein New Boxed Licensed 15cmGandalf the White Lord of the Rings Tankard Stein New Boxed Licensed 15cm
DVDs, Films & TV
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